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On Friday afternoon at 3:00pm there was a presentation - Disney Imagineering legend Marty Sklar Presents... Dream It! Do It! Unfortunately there was no video or photography allowed during the presentation, so I just have two images of him at the podium. The format for the presentation was Marty standing at the podium and he showed several slides and videos talking about various subjects to give a sample of what is in his book. Marty's book was released on August 13th. Click here to read my first impressions.

Geeks Thoughts/Observations:
I thought the presentation was ok. A good portion of it was taken up with videos that I had seen previously and I would have liked to have had Marty talk more. He did give a little insight into how he went about writing the book, but due to the time constraints and number of videos it seemed to be a small portion of the presentation. There was a brief question and answer session at the end and two of the three questions turned out to be congratulations instead of real questions so not much was shared there either.

A couple of points that stuck out to me:

  • He showed a series of "Hidden Marty's".. pictures where he was in the background or picture.. such as a visit from Jimmy Carter or John F. Kennedy and you can just make out his head in the background.

  • He showed a slide of an Imagineering Award for Herding Cats, which is how he described part of his job

  • He described how he tackled the book project. He story boarded the book so he could quickly arrange and re-arrange his thoughts and stories.

  • The first draft of his book was written in long form

Since no pictures or video were allowed, below is one more picture from the presentation.


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